The UNOPS team was looking for a content partnership that would showcase the brand’s innovative, efficient, and forward-looking vision as a provider of peace and security, humanitarian projects, and development solutions worldwide.  The two-year programme included two research reports by the EIU, campaign branding, a campaign website, and a media campaign. 
The research developed by the EIU is available to read and download on the campaign destination responsive website. A number of blogs, articles, and data visualisations support the research and translate the content into an engaging digital experience—available online and offline. The campaign was amplified through social channels and media banners.
Art Direction, UI/UX Design 
Other credits
Jeremy Kingsley, Aatisha Dewan, Ho Yuen Man, Ashita Bajpai, Leah Romero, Edwyn Mayhew, Gaddi Tam
Illustration: Mark Boardman
Economist Intelligence Unit
Programme Identity
Website - wireframes

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